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  • Writer's pictureKatie Ripman

The Jade Technique

What is the Jade Technique and why, on earth, should you make it your priority to learn about it, now!

The Jade Technique stands for:

Do not justify,

Do not argue,

Do not defend,

Do not explain.

Diving into this deeper, this means do not ever provide any explanations or justifications for any of your actions or your decisions when dealing with a toxic, narcissistic ex.

When you're dealing with someone like this, it is absolutely pointless of trying to

convince them of your point of view.

Always remember this really helpful saying of 'you can't argue with stupid' and this is never, more true than when you are dealing with a person like this. These people always believe that they are right and they believe that they still own you and are allowed access & insight into your life.

Ultimately, no response is the best response. Trust me on this one. The reason why you want to never explain yourself is that within that explanation, they're going to pick out lots of

little extra bits that they could home in on you for.

You're almost giving them ammo in you trying to defend yourself. You are feeding the beast with any information that they do not need to have. The Jade Technique (often teamed with The Grey Rock Method) stops this from happening and is one of the best ways to protect yourself and your peace against the Narcissist.

One classic way that they the Narcissist tries to syphon information from you is by making up some kind of random accusation about you, your children or any assets that you may still share together. It may have some, loose truths weaved within it to make it more plausible or it may be an outright lie.

Whatever the format may be, you must never, ever, ever defend yourself and try to justify why they are wrong with this accusation. It is merely a ploy to get some, form of information out of you. It doesn't even matter what it is, ANY kind of insight into your life is sufficient for them. So be sure NOT to give them anything that they don't need (aka, direct information regarding the children)

Using the Jade Technique is the number one thing that we will be deep-diving into inside of The Single Mama Academy so you can communicate with the Narcissist whilst still protecting your peace. It is going to give you your emotional balance back. It's going to make you more stable and more empowered when you have to communicate with them for the good of your children. It's going to take you out of that victim mindset and realise that you don't have to be victim to their actions and to their stupidity anymore.

If you're looking to get some more support and guidance on how to protect your peace and get back on track to being your happiest, without them, Come on over to

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